UNI-PAC, Air-Drop, Skymaster

Airdrop SAR kit designed for external mount under the wings of the Cessna-02 Skymaster. (Mil version only) Includes: 6-person raft with canopy, survival kit, floating retrieval line, lighted float marker buoy, deployment system & deceleration parachute.

LSI Product ID: sur-0200-00

The Skymaster UNI-PAC™ is an airdrop SAR Kit designed to be externally mounted under the wings of the Cessna-02 Skymaster. (Military version only.)

The system includes a six-person life raft with canopy, survival kit, 15- foot floating retrieval line, lighted float marker buoy, deployment system and a deceleration parachute. The entire system is contained within a single multi-density composite canister. The canister is fitted with mounting lugs for attachment and retention to the aircraft wing.

Theory of Operation
In the event of an emergency or over water disaster, the Sky Master aircraft is able to fly a designated pattern over the site and airdrop the SAR kit to the survivors in a manner that enables them to retrieve and board the life raft.

At the point the pilot activates a release mechanism for the externally mounted wing rack, the UNI-PAC™ canister will fall clear of the aircraft. As it is falling clear, a static line activates the SAR kit deployment sequence. The deployment sequence initiates after the canister has dropped approximately 3 meters behind and 2 meters below the aircraft while traveling at a speed of approximately 110 KIAS and a height of 60' to 120 ' AGL. Upon activation, the system initially deploys a lighted float marker, which is attached to a 150 foot length of floating retrieval line. After the float marker and retrieval line are in full trail behind the descending composite canister (approximately 1.5 seconds,) a deceleration parachute deploys and retards the descent of the falling canister to an acceptable impact speed while simultaneously deploying and inflating the life raft.

Once on the water, the fully inflated life raft is interconnected to the lighted float marker by the 150-foot span of floating retrieval line. With the 150-foot separation between the float marker and the life raft, it becomes quite easy to safely deliver the KIT within the immediate vicinity of the survivors for rapid retrieval. When dropped slightly upwind, the drifting life raft and float marker will cause the retrieval line to encircle survivors in the water making retrieval easy even under adverse conditions where survivors are not able to swim to the raft.

Variable Density Canister
A primary feature of the Skymaster UNI-PAC is the multi-density composite canister.

The variable density of the composite canister provides the rigid support necessary to transport the UNI-PAC™ externally at speeds up to 150 KIAS for periods up to 6 hours and the flexibilty for the canister to sustain post deployment impacts over water or over land. The canister construction utilizes 1/16" thick fiberglass stress panels which are located in critical suspension areas and laminated against a 1/4" thick Polyester Nylon Cord inner container. The canister is then fitted with an outer cover constructed of 20-oz. Neoprene-coated Nylon® fabric. Primary suspension support is provided by the integration of a lightweight stainless steel skeletal structure and a Kevlar closure system. The UNI-PAC™ can be rigged for cost-effective training drops over land with a designation as Training Module (P/N SUR-0200-TM) or the SAR kit for Arctic, Mountain, Desert or Tropical applications if specified.
