First Aid Kit, FAR-91

Aircrew First Aid Kit, FAR-91

LSI Product ID: ls-610-01

The First Aid Kit, FAR-91 includes the following items and quantities:

Qty Description
1 Container, FAR-91 First Aid, 12 Unit ABS w/ Hanger Handle
8 Bandaid, Adhesive, 3" x 3/4"
4 Bandage, Gauze Pad, 4" x 4"
2 Bandage, Triangular
2 Tape, Transpore, 1" x 1.5 yd
1 Scissors, Surgical, Angular, 7-1/4"
2 Bandage, Gauze, 4" x 6 yd
8 Gloves, Patient Exam, Size-Large
1 Instruction Card, Ar. Respir
1 Instruction Sheet, First Aid
