The LW-3B Personnel Parachute Assemblies are used in conjunction with an integrated torso harness as a part of an ejection seat escape system designed to meet the escape requirements of low and medium speed vertical/short takeoff and landing aircraft (OV-10 Bronco). The LW-3B escape systems function automatically in either of two modes, low speed or high speed.
LW-3B-101 (PILOT) - LSI P/N: PAR-6001-00
LW-3B-201 (OBSERVER) - LSI P/N: PAR-6002-00
The LW-3B Personnel Parachute Assembly includes a 28 foot diameter, flat, nylon canopy with 28 gores. The canopy is packed in a metal-based fabric container. The integrated torso harness incorporates the aircrew member's parachute harness and provides attachment points for the lap and shoulder restraint systems. When aboard the aircraft and seated, the aircrew member connects the quick-release fittings on the parachute riser assembly to the quick-release shoulder fittings on the torso harness. The survival kit is also connected to the torso harness by means of quick-release fittings. The LW-3B incorporates a static line and static line cutter used during escape to facilitate proper opening and parachute deployment.
Two different configurations of the LW-3B are used in service. The difference is in the container assembly, lanyard assembly, and riser assemblies. The LW-3B-101 is mounted on the back of the pilot's ejection seat whereas the LW-3B-201 is mounted on the back of the observer's ejection seat.