This proven concept adds a voice capability to the SLB-2000 beacon by the use of an external 282.8 MHz transceiver with earbud. The transceiver itself will not contain power source - power is provided by the SLB-2000 batteries.
Compact, military-grade emergency beacon providing tri-band operation with GPS and two-way voice.
♦ EASY TO INSTALL; designed for use in ACES II/III and Martin-Baker ejection seat packs, and BA-22 parachutes
♦ RUGGED; withstands demanding conditions
♦ EASY TO USE: manual and automatic activation
♦ ACCURATE: better than 100 meters within one minute of activation
♦ RELIABLE: built-in-self-test
♦ UHF two-way voice attachment plugs directly into beacon
Technical Information:
Sensitivity: Audio input is greater than or equal to -99dBm. For input signals>= -99dBm the SINAD shall be at least 10dB
Squelch: Squelch is not used
Compact, military-grade emergency beacon providing tri-band operation with GPS and two-way voice.
♦ EASY TO INSTALL; designed for use in ACES II/III and Martin-Baker ejection seat packs, and BA-22 parachutes
♦ RUGGED; withstands demanding conditions
♦ EASY TO USE: manual and automatic activation
♦ ACCURATE: better than 100 meters within one minute of activation
♦ RELIABLE: built-in-self-test
♦ UHF two-way voice attachment plugs directly into beacon
Technical Information:
Center Frequency: 282.8MHz +/- 30ppm
Output Power: At least +17dBm
Modulation: Phase modulation
VSWR: The transmitter shall not be damaged if the output VSWR is 3:1 or better at any phase angle.
Frequency Response: Shall be between 400Hz and 3kHz
Sensitivity: Audio input is greater than or equal to -99dBm. For input signals>= -99dBm the SINAD shall be at least 10dB
Squelch: Squelch is not used